Shaun Casey, Board Treasurer
When it comes to advocacy, Shaun is no-holds-barred. After quitting smoking in 2010 via vapor, he never looked back. Where a need arose in the industry, Shaun was there to fill it, beginning with the formation of the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) in 2014 to help ensure that vapor products remained available to adult consumers. To this day, Shaun occupies an active role on the association's Board of Directors.
Through his work with CVA, and with the help of others, the organization crafted regulatory framework for vaping in Canada, carving out vapor as a separate consumer product and the first legal change to Canada's Tobacco Act (now called the Tobacco and Vaping Act) in 37 years.
Having many interests in the United States, Shaun has been an active member of SFATA and has formerly served on the boards of AEMSA and VTA. Shaun's company, Flavour Art, N.A.., retains its own regulatory legal firm on contract in Washington D.C., which he uses to serve the interests of the vapor industry.
In 2019, Shaun worked cohesively with other associations to form the North American Vapor Alliance (NAVA), and in June of the same year, coordinated the industry's first GMP symposium in Los Angeles, CA, assembling manufacturers of all sizes together with industry experts to create a set of industry standards.